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Showing posts from March, 2020

Vegetarianism: an endless debate

The most longest debate on the earth is what should one eat? Either be Nonvegetarian or be Vegetarian? Ohh, leave it. It's old one. Now one new word has been coined from the type of diet we encounter and that is vegan. Now the debate is going more complex. Diet type is totally a multi segment question which may touch your locality, your religion, your spirituality, even sometimes humanity but the most necessary part of the diet type is our body requirements or health necessities. We always enjoy our food as an entertainment rather than a health supplement. That's why we are networking ourselves into baseless points instead of a scientific approach. We can see the community vise  difference in diet. All the sources are consumed by the human and that makes the homo sapiens a wildest animal of the earth. Most of people in India are flexitarians. It means they eat anything which is eatable. They are not fixed in their diet. Sometimes they eat grains and somethimes they...