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Welcome notes

Hi friends, I am Sandip Herma, a hospital pharmacist. I want a healthy journey with my readers. Sometimes you have to sharpen me and sometimes I'll polish you all guys.

Here OTP means one time password to open some secrets and thoughts regarding health. This OTP is extreme necessary for us and that's why we are here to decode our OTPs. We are here to just enjoy the medicinal and healthcare facts rather than bombarding the bla.. bla.. bla.. of information. I hope you'll enjoy the journey and as I mentioned it's not my journey it's our journey. Whatever I write on this blog is the experience of my side but I don't want to keep it my blog. I wish all the readers who are landing here put their thoughts on my blog posts in the comment box or personally on my social media platforms. I also want to learn from you all readers.

Journey can't be perfect by just alone, it's us. So please edit my ideas by providing your valuable suggestions on my Med Thoughts. Hope this blog will add some value to your life as well as mine.

First some random medicinal and healthcare thoughts hit my mind but at the same time I was wondering about Indian healthcare system from the pharmacist's point of view. As a pharmacist I want to explore my experience with the world to nullify the distance between a common man and a health care professionals like doctor, nurse, pharmacist or whoever. If I can help it a little bit by this blog, It would be my pleasure. So let's start the journry.


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