Recently 19 year old girl was thrown out of the bus in UP after the passengers in bus supposed her Covid19 positive by symptoms. Though she wasn't tested positive yet, the driver and the conductor stopped the bus and pulled her out on the midway. Her mother pleaded a lot to them but they weren't convinced. Just after 30 minutes the girl died on the road. Postmortem report stated it 'cardiac arrest' and dead person was not tested for Covid19 as per policy. Here the question is not either she was Covid19 positive or negetive, but the way she was humiliated by the passengers is the big issue rising day by day. The people on bus shouldn't do so even if she was Covid19 positive. The things happening all around after this pandemic put us on the edge of the bay. Misconceptions are emerging as a big enemy after this pandemic. Even WHO is also serious on this matter and trying to stop this infodemic. [ પેન્ડેમિકથી પણ ખતરનાક છે ઇન્ફોડેમિક ] Early days in this pandemic human ...
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